Monday, November 16, 2009

How to make a Coaster/ Como hacer un portavasos


1. Cut the fabric 5"X5".
    Corta la tela 5X5 pulgadas.

2. Cut the a little piece of fabric for decorations. (to create any fun design).
    Corta pequenas piezas de tela para formar alguna figura o algun diseno divertido.

3. Sew the little pieces on the fabric and the buttons for the eyes.
    Cose las pequenas piezas a la tela del portavasos y peque los botones para formar los ojos.

4. Sew the Rick-Rack to decorate.
    Cose el galon o liston para terminar de decorar. 

5. Cut a 5"X5" of polyester batting for quilting,
    Corta una pieza 5X5 pulgadas de guata.

6. Sew two pieces (back and front) and the batting and made a hem.
    Cose la bastilla uniendo la pieza trasera, frontal y la guate entre si.

7. Sew a bias around the hem.
    Cose por ultimo bies alrededor, y, 

8. It's ready.
    Esta listo


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Halloween Adventure////Nuestro dia de Halloween

Was a funny super day. We start decorating our house with Halloweens stuff.  My children telling where they want the spiderwebs and my husband doing all what we like. 

Was a so fun day, all was making jokes and talking about our customs and were they going to walk with their customs. When we finished, we decided to start make the carving pumpkin, which ones we already collected in the Pumpkin Patch.

My old son want a Hunting House, was so hardest carved that pumpkin, no was the most spectacular but I did my best, looking his happy face. And nothing was mos important that him. My husband had to start with the other pumpkin which was chooses for my little one, he wants a Mommy buuuu! he said, he start because my hand was it to tired for carve a new pumpkin.

The day of Halloween we get our customs, my older son was a skeleton, my little one he was Power Ranger and I was a witch, I didn't change to much but I change my hair.

They went to the Trick or Treat, I didn't want they can fill to much their baskets, and wishing finished the candies  to give. But which one was my surprise, I get the opposite, didn't come as much people as I thought and my children filled their baskets. Now what I do with so many candies?

When they arrived they had hunger and we decided to bake a pizza and we began to bake chocolate cookies my kids helped me cutting with the cookies cutting we were made Halloween shapes, for them was  funny because  they feel like we was playing with play-doo.

It was a super day of Halloween.

Fue un dia super divertido   Todos empezamos a decorar la casa con adornos de Halloween.  Mis hijos daban opinion donde querian ver sus telaranas y mi marido dandonos gusto.

Fue un dia tan gracioso ya que todos bromeabamos y deciamos de que nos hibamos a disfrazar el dia esperado, para que mis hijos recorrieran las calles disfrazados.
Cuando terminamos de colocar todos los adornos, decidimos empezar a  decorar 2 calabazas de las muchas que ya habiamos escojido en el campo de calabazas que habiamos ido Pumpkin Patch.

 Mi hijo mas grande dijo que queria una casa embrujada, hay me me veran cortando la calabaza, estaba durisima pero lo logre tal vez no me quedo super espectacular pero por verlo contento no importaba que me quedara la mano adolorida. Mi esposo tuvo que empezar con la otra calabaza que habia escogido mi hijo mas chiquito el queria una momia buuuu!!! decia, ya estaba mi mano tan adolorida que no le quedo de otra de empezar.

El dia de Halloween empezamos a disfrazarnos, mi hijo mas grande se disfrazo de calaca, el pequeno el queria ser Power Ranger yo de bruja que no me cambie mucho el disfraz, pero estaba mas alocada que de costumbre.

Salieron a pedir dulces, yo rogando que no llenaran mucho sus canastas, y que se me acabaran los dulces que tenia yo en casa para dar. Pues todo lo contrario, no vinieron tanto ninos como yo pensaba y mis hijos llenaron sus canastas.  Ahora que hago con tantos dulces?

Cuando llegaron tenian hambre y decidimos hornear una pizza y empezamos a preparar unas galletas de chocolate y cortarlas con moldes de Halloween, para ellos fue super divertido, ya que sentian como si estuvieramos jugando con plastilina, era divertido como se emocionaban ellos cuando salian las galletas del horno y les ponian cosas para decorar.

Fue un super dia de Halloween.