Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Being a super mom and fulfill ills at the same time

I now the football season is over. And just only fulfilling ideas and ills of my youngest son.
The football isn't important to me, but for myi husbands so important and he's super fan, so all my family is now fan, but my youngest son, wants to get dressed just like his dad, and wants something of the Chargers, team of my husband, but also he says that he needs to help to us on the grill, but his Jersey is going to be duty helping us.
So I have an idea,  I buy Chargers team fabric and I can make a apron to him and he is wearing something of Chargers team and it also helps us on the grill, like he wants.

And this it is the result as you see, jiji, and you going to see soon what my oldest son ask me to make for him,  he has a lot imaginations of super hereo, something super different that my other son. But that is going to be in  occasion.
What you think of being a super mom and fulfill ills at the same time?

Ya la se la temporada de football ya se acabo, Pues solo cumpliendo ideas y antojos de mi hijo. 

No es que ami me guste el football, a mi me da igual, pero a mi marido le encanta y es super fan, asi que ya contajio a mis hijos, pero el menor, quiere vestirse igual que su papa, y quiere algo de los Chargers, equipo de mi marido, pero tambien dice que ocupa ayudar a papa en el azador, pero se va a ensuciar su camiseta.
 Asi que me se ocurrio compro tela de su equipo y le hago un mandil para que nos ayude en el azador tambien, como el quiere.

Y este es el resultado como ven ustedes, jiji, y ya veran proximamente lo que me pidio mi hijo el mayor, el y sus fantasias de super hereo, algo super distinto que mi otro hijo.  Pero eso sera en otra ocasion.

Ustedes que piensan de ser una super mama y cumple antojos al mismo tiempo?



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